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BOW is an acronym that stands for ‘Building Obedient Worshippers’. We are a discipleship ministry for music ministers to disciple them in their walk of obedience to God, and to enable them view obedience as their primary expression of worship to God. BOW was founded on 15th August 2015.


To see Christ revealed


To raise a generation that embraces obedience as their primary expression of worship to God


Obedience is God's Love Language

mandate to teach obedience

Mathew 28:19-20

'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.'

The rule of God spans both heaven and earth – it is called the Kingdom of God. In heaven, His rule is seamless – His will is done unopposed. On earth, this rule is challenged by the fallen-ness of man, enticed by the kingdom of darkness. Our mandate on earth is to subdue and bring everything into subjection to Christ, the King of kings. As sons of God we are called to bring everything into alignment with the will of God as it is in heaven. God does not superimpose His will on earth. He counts on His sons to bring His rule to the earth. God Self-subjected His will to man when He commanded Adam to ‘Have dominion over all the earth!’ When man fell, he fell out of the will of God. We are called to restore man to a place of willingness and obedience to God. That’s the time we can truly say: ‘The Kingdom of God is here’ – every time we help someone obey God willingly.

God is not a dictator; neither is He democratic. He does not require only obedience, but willingness and obedience together. That willingness and obedience of man to do God’s will is what is called worship. Worship is not singing or dancing or lifting of hands as is the contemporary understanding. These are only gestures. There is a deeper reality of worship which is called willful obedience to God. Lifting of hands is a gesture of surrender; singing of songs expresses the status of the soul unto God; kneeling down is a gesture of humility in acknowledgement of the greatness of God; crying is a gesture of brokenness… But I can lift my hands on Sunday but I was not surrendered on Monday through to Saturday prior to that! Nor intending to surrender on the Monday to Saturday following that! I’m I still worshipping? What if I kneel down during a service but I’m proud at heart (manifested through my disobedience to God)? I’m I still worshipping?


Worship is more than the expressions emphasized in today’s contemporary Christianity. It is more than lifting hands; singing songs; dancing. It has to do with a life submitted to Christ. That submission is what validates the expression of worship in song and dance and other performing arts. It allows for worship to be in spirit and truth. Without that submitted life, any attempt to express that which is not a reality, only amounts to a lie before God. That means that one has not worshipped in truth, as John 4:23 requires. There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him: (Proverbs 6:16 – 17)… In those two verses, lying is mentioned twice, which is what makes them seven (instead of six). God takes lying seriously. We must take it seriously as well. Our expression of worship must be backed by a life of truth – one that is true before God. Obedience to God is what validates the expression of worship to God through all the other means.

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